istock_000006063904medium-150x150Organic food was once seen as a niche market but now major multinationals are offering organic products. In fact it has been one of the biggest trends in the food sector in recent years but do organics have staying power, or will consumers lose interest over time? in its Aug. 19, 2008, daily newsletter, posed the question to its readers, “Organics – fad or the future?” The Organic Center’s Chief Scientist Dr. Chuck Benbrook posted a response from his Oregon office, which we have excerpted on our blog for your review.

The scientific evidence linking organic production methods to enhanced nutrient density and lower food safety risks is growing more compelling. Two factors will define the future trajectory for organic food sales. First, whether and to what extent organic farmers and food companies focus on sustaining and expanding the inherent benefits in organic systems, e.g., by foregoing the temptation to push organic crop yields and animals beyond physiological limits where health is sacrificed to production. Second, whether and to what extent the rest of the food industry moves toward production systems and technologies that produce safer and higher quality foods.

Dr. Charles Benbrook, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, The Organic Center
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