By Ross Bridgeford

Did you know that you might be only getting about 35% of the benefits of the good foods you’re eating?

Almost all nutrient absorption happens in the small intestine but about 80% of us have got impacted, clogged digestive systems.

The good news is – when we cleanse the digestive system of these wastes, we get a huge, instant energy hit that lasts forever – because our body is now absorbing 100% of the goodness we eat.

That’s right – once cleansed, you get massive amounts more energy, vitality and strength without having to put in any extra effort!

How to Cleanse the Digestive System the Easy and Gentle Way for Relief from Fatigue, IBS, Candida, Reflux, Skin Conditions and Weak Immune System (and more!)

The digestive system is more simple that you probably think, but it is the cornerstone of our whole health.

You can’t be healthy with an unhealthy digestive system.

fibre vegetables

As Dr Robert Young (pH Miracle) states:

The intestinal tract is the hub of our entire body – all organs, glands, even our brains, heart, and cells are totally dependent upon a good functioning digestive system. In the Western World, most people have polluted their bowels with filth unimaginable and weakened their digestive function. As long as this filth remains within, our bodies grow weaker and we become more and more prone towards deficiencies and acidic dis-ease.

Strong words, but true.

And Dr Mark Hyman (The Blood Sugar Solution) states:

It’s important to understand that many diseases that seem to be totally unrelated to the gut – such as eczema,  psoriasis, or arthritis – are actually CAUSED by gut problems.

We have to have a clean, functioning, thriving digestive system in order to be healthy, vibrant and moving towards our big health goals.

No Science Needed

I don’t want to get into the science of the digestive system here, I want to get straight into how you can start getting it cleaned up so you can get those massive benefits!

So below this article is a full breakdown of the functions and science of the digestive system with a very helpful video and some important links.

I do recommend checking them out when you have time, but for now let’s get straight into the teaching on how to get the result!


When you follow these steps below to clean your digestive system (some are quicker and more involved, some are slower and easier) you will start to experience way more energy and vitality – plus you’ll get benefits with the following symptoms of overacidity:

  • Candida
  • Reflux
  • IBS
  • Allergies
  • Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea etc
  • Fatigue
  • excess weight
  • Weak immune system
  • Premature aging
  • …and more!

Such is the importance of the digestive system that all of the above are symptoms of an over-acid, clogged digestive system.

What is it clogged with?

When we live an acidic lifestyle and diet the digestive system is rapidly clogged with yeasts, acid wastes, microforms and bacterias. And this compounds quickly.

As soon as we eat acid-forming foods, these contribute more acidity, yeast, sugar (which ferments and turns to more yeast) and more to the mess.

The problem within the problem is that this waste in the digestive system creates it’s own waste, which it then consumes to grow and multiply, which creates more waste…which feeds itself further and on the growth goes!

How does this stop nutrients from being absorbed?

Nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine and is achieved because of the existence of millions of tiny little finger-like protrusions called villi.

The villi and microvilli are innumerable small folds on the intestinal wall, that massively increase the surface area of the small intestine to ensure efficient and rapid absorption of nutrients.

BUT – when we are clogged and acidic, these villi are hidden and lost beneath the wastes that impact and block up our digestive system – meaning the surface area of the small intestine is dramatically reduced. It is reduced by up to 90%.



#1: Do an Alkaline Cleanse!

Doing an alkaline cleanse is such a fantastic way to totally cleanse your digestive system in just 5-7 days. It’s incredibly powerful.

Unlike most ‘detox’ or ‘cleanse’ programmes that require you to restrict and fast, the alkaline cleanse (as I teach it) actually gives your body a huge abundance of all of the nutrients and tools it needs to rebuild and repair.

NOTE: I am running a free training series starting next week where I will go through the cleanse extensively – don’t miss it! If you are not already signed up to my updates sign up at the top of this page!

During the cleanse you are consuming just alkaline soups, smoothies and juices (at least two of each every day so you’re never hungry) which delivers around 25-30 serves of vegetables every day in a format that is easy for the body to use, digest, assimilate and detoxify you!

The alkaline cleanse is probably the most involved of all of the suggestions on this list and it requires effort – but the rewards are huge.

The results of my customers and clients who have done my cleanse are, frankly, amazing. Some verge on the outrageous.

I can’t stress enough how powerful it is to give your body this cascade of nutrients for 5-7 days in a row with no acidic foods or drinks.

It rebuilds, repairs and replenishes QUICKLY.

So look out for my free cleanse training next week!

…but here’s the quick start guide in case you’re impatient:

1) consume ONLY raw alkaline soups, smoothies and juices
2) consume up to 4 litres of filtered water
3) exercise VERY gently (walking, yoga, rebounding)
4) no acidic foods
5) relax

This may sound hard. And it is if you do it wrong. This is why I’m running my free training – to make it much easier for you!

#2: Eliminate Yeast & Sugar (slowly)

OK, so if you don’t want to go the full and fast route of the cleanse – then the ‘baby steps’ approach is the next best alternative and the best thing to start with is the fuel that builds the fire of digestive trouble – yeast and sugar!

As mentioned, yeast is directly what we’re trying to get rid of in the digestive system, so to stop consuming it has to be the first port of call.

Next is sugar because all sugar ferments and becomes yeast in the digestive system. Sugar fuels acidity like petrol on a fire.

But slowly does it…

Here’s what I want you to do:

  1. Analyse Your Everyday Diet for Yeast & Sugar: look out for hidden sources like fruit juice – and make a note of the areas where you currently have yeast or sugar on a regular, daily basis
  2. Pick ONE: and work on how to eliminate it by swapping it for something just as nice and delicious that doesn’t contain yeast or sugar
  3. Eliminate One at a Time: some will be easier than others and you can wipe them out one each day, but others may take some time (like sugar in your drinks) and you’ll have to transition over a period of 7-14 days

By doing this gradually you will not notice the cravings as you would if you did it all at once. Cravings and that feeling of deprivation is exactly what we’re trying to avoid here.

And although you’re not getting the instant fix as you would with the cleanse – you will slowly chip away at it. By cutting off the source, as long as you still get the good stuff in – you will get there.

It may take 8-12 weeks but you will get there.

Of course if you need results quicker than that – then a cleanse would be a great idea and look out for my training on this in the next two weeks.

#3 Mega-Hydrate

This is simple. For optimal functioning of the digestive system you HAVE to be properly hydrated!

When we’re dehydrated our whole body stops functioning optimally, and there is no surefire, faster way to having a clogged digestive system than to be dehydrated.

You simply HAVE to have at least 2 and ideally 3-4 litres of filtered (preferably alkaline) water per day.

If you’re currently drinking nowhere near that amount right now – don’t worry – again just build up. It’s all about transitioning and baby steps. Start by increasing by 2 extra glasses per day – one when you wake up and one after dinner…and slowly build and add to that.

Remember, herbal tea can be alkaline and this can add to your daily intake too!

#4 Get in the Greens

Green foods, especially leafy greens, are a great source of fiber, chlorophyll, antioxidants, alkaline vitamins and minerals and will get your digestive system cleansed and replenished in no time!

Remember, above in the cleanse I talked about giving your body the tools it needs to repair and rebuild itself? Greens are those tools!

Getting 7+ serves of greens each day is ideal and is easier than you’d think.

Check out my guide to getting greens to learn more BUT also check out my upcoming training (mentioned again :) as I go deep diving into how to do this!

#5 Increase Fibre

Fibre is essential to cleansing and maintaining the digestive system but so many people get nowhere near enough!

The simplest thing you can do right now, to guarantee you are getting enough fiber is to supplement with psyllium husks.

They’re cheap, you can find them at the grocery store and you simply need to have two teaspoons in a glass of water each day (followed by another glass of water right after).

This can have a dramatic, fast impact.

According to here are the best, alkaline sources of fibre:

Excellent food sources of fiber include turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, navy beans, eggplant, and cinnamon.
Very good sources of dietary fiber include romaine lettuce, celery, Swiss chard, spinach, fennel, asparagus, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, green peas, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, pinto beans, black beans, kidney beans, lentils, barley, flax seeds, coriander seeds, cloves, and oregano.
Good sources of dietary fiber avocado, sweet potato, summer squash, onions, leeks, olives, beets, rye, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, spelt, garbonzo beans, soybean.

#6: Do an Alkaline Cleanse!

OK, yep, I’m saying it again because it really is the best way to cleanse your digestive system and get those fantastic results that this brings. If you want these results, and you want them in abundance, the cleanse is the way to go.

Again, there will be full training on this in the next two weeks.


So the simple message is you have to cleanse your digestive system. To have the energy, vitality and health you want and deserve, your digestive system needs to be running optimally.

So the question is – how are you going to do it?

You can do it either with the alkaline cleanse (that I’ve given a brief outline of above and will be training you on fully in the next few weeks) OR you can do it slowly and ease into it with the steps I’ve given you in this guide.

But either way it has to happen!

Below are some more scientific guides to the digestive system and some extra reading that I recommend you check out!

Until next week, enjoy