Many people are taking about Smith-Spangler’s et al findings on “organic foods are safer or healthier than conventional alternatives.” Well, the verdict on which is more nutritious–after reviewing some 233 studies that meet the criteria the reviewers where looking for–is that there is no difference in nutrition of organic or conventional foods.  However, the study was able to give a full report of the complexity of their findings beyond the final verdict.  Like the Los Angeles Times and other well-known news agencies there is more to the story.

You know what—I wanted to do my homework and understand the findings…so I read the the publish article in Annals of Internal Medicine, September 2012 Issue.

Fine, if after reviewing past literature and there conclusions come out to be no difference between organic or conventional; but let’s review why people buy organic. For those who buy predominately organic products do so for one or more following reasons:

1. Sustainable farming practices  on environment

2. Human health

3. Animal welfare

4. Tastier

5. Preserve Biodiversity

To Smith-Spangler et al credit,  the findings concentrated, other than nutrients, on four pathogens tests (Campylobacter, Listeria, Salmonella, Escharichia coli) ; the study concluded that there was no difference in bacteria contamination. Yet, when studying the pesticide usage there was a significant difference of pesticide use is suspected to cause children’s health, women’s health, and long-term health negative issues.

Overall, the findings did strengthen the notion that organic foods can help maintain weight, high phenols (a type of antioxidant), higher fatty acids in dairy products. So, think about drinking organic raw milk for those benefits.

In addition, there was significant difference where organic meat products had 33% less antibiotic resistance than conventional meat farming. Again, make your choices by buying organic meats to continue that the antibiotics for us humans continue to work.

Furthermore, there has not been any comparison study which study health outcomes.

My advice to you: buy organic if you care about your children’s health, better fatty acids, and your prescriptions continue to work for you!  I don’t know about you–but I can live with the findings of no difference in nutrition….however, I am sure more stringent studies in the future that will disprove Stanford’s findings. I’ve seen people’s health testimonies on eating more organic fruits and vegetables and know there is a significance difference in their health!

Smith-Spangler, C., Brandeau, M. L., Hunter, G. E., Bavinger, J., Pearson, M., Eschbach, P. J., & … Bravata, D. M. (2012). Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 157(5), 348-366.