Dr. Malkmus:  The Body Will Neutralize the Excess Acid

Since all substances placed into the mouth have a pH value, it is easy to see how foods and drinks either acidify or alkalize the body and thus have an effect upon our health, blood, life, and longevity.
To prevent the blood from becoming even slightly acidic, which would cause death, the body will use the following means to get rid of or neutralize the excess acid:

  1. The body will store excess acid in the muscles, one of the primary causes of fibromyalgia.
  2. Acid helps facilitate the creation of plaque and cholesterol on arterial walls.
  3. Creates adipose fat cells causing weight gain.
  4. Cause blood to clot.
  5. Store extra water to help neutralize the acid (edema).
  6. Induce hot flashes, sweating, and rashes in an effort to expel the acid.
  7. Cause colds, and other immune responses to get rid of the excess acid.
  8. Draw alkaline minerals like calcium from tissues, bones and teeth in an effort to neutralize the acidity (causing osteoporosis).

When the body is unable to get rid of sufficient acid, decay begins to literally decompose the body as it begins the process of returning the body back to the dust from which it came:

“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” (Genesis 3:19)

Yeast overgrowth, bacteria and parasites are not something a person catches, but something a person creates and invites into their body when they fail to maintain proper pH within the colon.

The pH of the colon is 5.5 to 7.0 and is host to the vast majority of our bacteria, both friendly and unfriendly. Friendly bacteria must predominate, but antibiotics and chlorinated water destroy friendly bacteria, allowing unfriendly bacteria to thrive and damage the colon wall. The damaged colon wall allows bacteria and parasites to seep into the blood. An insufficient amount of friendly bacterium in the colon leads to yeast overgrowth (Candida).