Ten Tips to Completely Banish Sugar Cravings Forever

by Live Energized

Sugar is at the root-cause of pretty much every health battle, every condition, every ache, pain and waistline.

Proven to be more addictive than cocaine, it is a craving that some people never kick their whole life.

And as time goes on and society ‘develops’ and food manufacturers get better and better at making us addicted to their foods we are consuming more and more sugar.

We know it is bad for us (even if not everyone knows quite how much), and yet we succumb to it every day.

Until now.

In this new guide I give you seven easy ways to help you completely banish sugar cravings forever and move you a HUGE step closer to ditching th esugar.

Why it’s so important to break the addiction…

Giving up sugar cold-turkey will be very hard.


Research has proven that sugar is more addictive to the body than cocaine (source), so simply deciding to ditch it is going to be hard.

Plus it’s everywhere. Hidden in sauces, cereals, dairy and dairy-alternative products, juices & smoothies… in fact, pretty much anything preprepared or shop bought contains more sugar than we ever realised.

In 1820, we consumed under 10lbs of sugar per year, per person.

As at 2013, that figure stands at 150lbs of sugar per year, per person. (based on US-statistics)

That’s pretty shocking. But not surprising…

It’s added to everything. It’s combined with fats and salts and specific chemicals in such a way to make certain foods (quite literally) addictive.

The food manufacturers have gotten pretty smart at this…

Let’s Break the Habit Now!

TEN Powerful Tips to Completely Banish Sugar Cravings Forever

Kick Sugar Tip #1: Coconut Oil

coconut oilCoconut oil is incredible at destroying sugar cravings. And all you have to do is have one tablespoon of this delicious oil and you’re set!

Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids, or medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

As soon as you consume them your body sends them straight to your liver to use as energy.

In doing this, coconut oil gives you an energy hit that is exactly like sugar and other carbs.

However, and this is the best bit, it doesn’t cause an insulin spike in your bloodstream, meaning that it doesn’t put you into that blood-sugar spiral!
