Cleansing Alkaline Food #1: Avocado

By Energise Ross

Avocados are an excellent source of alkalinity and fantastic for cleansing. They are classed as a fruit, but are one of the few truly alkaline fruits.

Avo’s contain a wide variety of phytonutrients, including phytopstreols, stigmasterol, campestrol and sistosterol and are also a great source of vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin K.

The beauty of avocados are that they are such a good source of health promoting fats, which help speed the metabolism to help reduce weight, promote healthy skin and help stimulate the cleansing actions of the digestive system.

Avocados also encourage elimination of toxins from the body from the absorption of fat soluble vitamins including vitamin A, D, E and K.

Finally, avocados provide a great source of the super-cool antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is so important because it is known as the ‘master-antioxidant’, meaning it ‘recycles’ antioxidants. According to Dr Mark Hyman in his report in the Huffington Post, Glutathione is “the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system”

Glutathione is the most critical and integral part of your detoxification system. Toxins actually stick like glue onto glutathione. From here they can then be carried into the bile and the stool – and finally, out of your body.

PLUS, one half-cup of avocado has a great big cleansing 8 grams of dietary fibre!

That’s just fantastic and a great reason to get LOADS of avocado into your diet.

Avocado Cleanse Nutrients: Glutathione, fibre, antioxidants, good fats, potassium.

Avocado Cleanse Target: gallbladder, digestive system