By Ross Bridgeford

This is a great one for busy people (everyone nowadays, right) and those who lunch out-of-the-home. Just simply make 2x more for dinner 2-3 times per week and freeze the leftovers for lunches or snacks.

In fact, it is actually often more useful for snacks. If I get peckish during a busy day it’s great to go back to my leftovers supply and have an instant, alkaline snack. And of course, even better if served with a deliciously dressed side salad too!

One thing I love to do is, if I have leftovers like Mexican, or a curry or sauce-y based dinner, I just wrap it up in a wrap, add some spinach and I’m away!

Here are a couple of recipes that this works really well with:

1. Almost Alkaline Fajitas
2. Chickpea Korma