by Ross Bridgeford

If you live alkaline you willreach ALL of your health goals. No matter what they are. Guaranteed. It’s just a simple biological fact.

You know this is true, whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, build stronger immunity, overcome a niggling health challenge, get rid of digestive issues or acid reflux, get clearer skin, more energy, better sleep, a better libido, overcome yeast infections – WHATEVER it is, alkalizing gets you there.
So motivation is pretty easy to come by, especially if you really sit down and think through and plan out your goals and what your life will be like when you achieve them.
But I know that sticking with a healthy, alkaline lifestyle can be a challenge at times.
In my almost 9 years of living, coaching, researching and teaching the alkaline diet I’ve seen MANY people (including myself) do well, do not so well, give up, try again, succeed and have ups and downs along the way.
In this guide I want to teach you the top FIVE steps or tactics you can use to make the alkaline diet not only a lot easier, but also more tasty, more on autopilot and more enjoyable.
Remember: my three KEY words when it comes to teaching the alkaline diet:
So, let’s get right into the teaching. Here are my biggest tips for making living alkaline an incredibly easy and delicious experience and make sticking to the alkaline diet SO much easier!

TIP #1 ALKALINE DRESSINGS:This is such a great tip because it will, regardless of what else you do, take your green leafy vegetable intake from 0 to 5 (at least) right away.

The downside is, you risk getting fed up of eating so many salads all the time OR if you try to vary the salads too much they could end up taking too long to prepare.

So here is the solution – delicious dressings. I think that a dressing makes the salad. You can have a salad of JUST leaves and if the dressing rocks, the salad will go down a treat.
What I want you to do is always have at least 3 dressings you love, preprepared. There are lots of dressings in my Alkaline Diet Recipe Book and right here are links to a couple on this blog. After you’ve finished reading this I want you to make them and bottle them up and put them in the fridge.

Alongside the recipes you have, you can also simply make flavoured olive oil by bottling up some good quality olive oil with any of the following: basil, rosemary, garlic, chilli or thyme. Get creative – it will be well worth it!