Everyone knows that mint is a great garnish, but did you know that it actually has the attributes of an anti-acid? It has many powerful characteristics that can help prevent cancer, cure the common cold and even help relieve acne. Due to the antioxidants present in the herb, it helps protect your body from spoiling healthy cells and replacing them with cancerous cells, while cleaning your blood at the same time. Also, because of its strong aroma, it has been known to clear up congestion of your nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs, helping with colds, flues, and even common asthma symptoms. Along these same lines, balms based in mint can actually help to relieve headaches and muscle pain.

Have you ever wondered why so many toothpastes are mint flavored? Well, it is actually because not only does it give you fresh smelling breath, but the germicidal factors in the herb inhibit harmful bacterial growth inside your mouth by cleaning the out dietary acids, as well. On the opposite end of this, if you actually eat mint, it has been known to sooth stomach acid in cases on indigestion, inflammation, and irritable bowel syndrome. But if you don’t have any of these problems, it is actually a great appetizer because it helps to cleanse your palate.

Finally, mint helps with all kinds of skin irritations. It can help to clear up acne, treat minor burns, and relieve itching and skin irritations. So the next time you go camping, be sure to pack some mint to help with all of the mosquito bites you get.

All in all, while this herb may create a great culinary presentation, don’t be afraid to use it for its intended purposes. You will soon find that mint is a must-have in your home.
