April is Earth Month, and there are lots of ways to celebrate. Bike to work, plant a tree, participate in a neighborhood clean-up. You can also show your support for a healthy environment by choosing organic products. Grown and processed without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, organic products help to keep our soil healthy, our water clean, and our carbon footprint small. Learn more about how you can help the planet by going organic this month.

Organic agriculture has a number of environmental benefits. Not only does it build nutrient-rich soil and help to keep our water supply clean; it also removes carbon dioxide from the air and sequesters it. In fact, according to research at The Rodale Institute, organic practices can remove about 7,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air per year and sequester it in an acre of farmland. Accordingly, Rodale estimates that if all 434 million acres of U.S. cropland were converted to organic practices, it would be the equivalent of eliminating 217 million cars—nearly 88 percent of all cars in the country today and more than a third of all the automobiles in the world! Learn more about how organic agriculture is helping to keep global warming in check.