Clean drinking water is something that the public has pretty much taken for granted for the past hundred years. The public has little idea-perhaps understandably-just how contaminated our drinking water has become.

Our environment has changed, new biological transformations are emerging, drinking-water systems are aging, and governments often seem more interested in ensuring business in the global marketplace than in ensuring the safety and health of the world citizens.

Health scientists throughout the world are now echoing what I have been saying for two decades. When it comes to your health, whether you are trying to reverse an illness, prevent an illness, or simply create the healthiest body possible, the #1 thing you must do is to change your water.

A good water ionizer must alkalize, ionize, purify and structure the molecules of the water. In order to neutralize and reverse the over-acidity of the body, the pH of our water supply is critical.

What most people do not realize is that underlying all disease, or most dis-ease, is an acidic condition. More and more medical researchers are beginning to focus on the relationship of acidity in cells, tissues, organs, and blood as highly correlated with many bodily symptoms and complicated disease syndromes.

Having studied water for decades, I have become convinced that the pH Miracle organization has created the best water ionization products on the market from several standpoints: water quality, price, system durability, and customer relations.

The average healthy person should drink at least 1 quart/liter of water for ever 50 pounds of body weight each day. A person with a serious health challenge should drink a quart/liter for every 30 pounds. People often laugh when I say “we must pee our way to health,” but I don’t know how much simpler I can make it.

High pH water such as the water that comes from a good ionizer neutralizes acids throughout the entire body. Since acids underlie all disease entities, nothing makes more sense than neutralizing these acids.

One of my most often quoted statements goes like this: “When the fish is sick, change the water.” We don’t feed the fish medicine. We give them clean water. When the cells of our body our sick, we must change the water and fluids in which all cells and tissues are bathed.

When we purchase a good ionizer, we actually save money over time when compared with purchasing water from vendors and stores and treating the water to try and improve its quality. I can’t think of any investment that is better for a person or a family than a good water ionizer.