Question: What is the easiest way for someone to check and maintain their body’s pH?

Dr. Young: The easiest way for someone to check and maintain the body fluid pH is to test the urine and saliva.

The best time to test the urine is in the morning, because the morning urine is an expression of what you ate and what you drank and how you lived your life the previous, 24 hours. The morning urine is not a product of the blood; it is a product of the tissues. When you measure your urine, you are measuring the pH of your tissues. If your pH is below the ideal of 7.2, and it measures in the 5’s or 6’s, you are in tissue acidosis. When someone over-exercises they can go into lactic tissue acidosis. Lactic acid from over-exercise is felt in the connective tissues and muscles. When the muscles are sore, that’s the tissues picking up the acid to maintain the alkaline blood pH. The blood has to rid itself of metabolic acids or you would die. So it throws the acid out into the muscle tissues and you feel it as irritation or inflammation. If the lactic acid stays in the tissues, it will spoil the tissue cells, and the body will go into preservation mode. In preservation mode, the body will encapsulate the cells spoiled by lactic acid, and now you have a tumor. The tumor is the solution to stop systemic spoiling or metastasis. When the lymphatic system is healthy it will pull the lactic acid out of the tissues, and eventually you will sweat it out or it will be recycled back into the blood and you will urinate it out. So this is very, very important. So remember, when you are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of your tissues.

And when you are testing your saliva, you are testing your ability or potential to alkalize your food and drink. So when you’re saliva pH is below 7.2, your potential for alkalizing your food, drink and emotions is less. Your reserves are low. You need to make a deposit to your alkaline bank account. And that would be the same with your urine. When your urine is acidic, you need to start alkalizing. You run the risk of staying within an acidic zone; you run the risk of going through the seven stages of acidosis. Starting with lack of energy to sensitivities to inflammation, and working up to ulceration and degeneration.